Migration Summer School at University of Bari (MSSS) is a postgraduate level course involving classroom learning and practical site visits.
Human mobility or as widely referred to as migration is the movement of people between places with the intensions of settling, permanently or temporarily. Population movements often occur between countries far or near and the borders between internal and international migration are often blurred. Also some internal migrations mean covering very long distances within large countries such as China or Russia. Despite prominent place of migration in public debates and policy making, international migration and particularly migration of refugees/asylum seekers are rare. It is estimated that only about 3.6 per cent of the world population is living in a country other than where they were born.
While migration is often triggered by factors which can be defined through 3Ds (Democratic Deficit, Development Deficit and Demographic Deficit), only people with adequate resources (4 Cs, human capital, financial capital, social capital and physical capability) are able to move.
Migration Summer School at University of Bari aims to prepare practitioners and managers to the challenges posed by super mobility and superdiversity.
MSSS has been co-led by Associate Professor Michela Pellicani and Professor Ibrahim Sirkeci. In six modules, students discuss new directions in migration theories, methodologies, policy and legal challenges, human rights, return migration, economics of migration, health and related issues, integration and discrimination.
The modules are taught by leading scholars in the field including Maurizio Ambrossini, Giuseppe Sciortino, and Massimo Bontempi.
Module content:
- International Migration
- Management of Migration Flows in Italy
- European Agenda on Migrations
- Integration Policies of the Foreign Population
- Migrations and Discrimination
- Return Migrations
- Economic Integration of Foreign Population
- Migrants and Human Rights in the International Law
- Migrations in the Euro-Mediterranean Scenario
- Visit to the Regional Commission for international protection
Duration: 6 Days intensive / 49 hours in class / 154 hours including individual study